Tuesday, March 6, 2012

cheap and wonderful.

Sometimes, when something is very inexpensive and still very cute, I (and many of you, I'm sure!) feel the need to buy it just to have, even though you might not wear it that often. Such is the case with this pair of menswear-style oxford flats that I bought at Target (!) several months back because I thought they were cute and cheap, and I assumed that I would find some way to wear them.

Favorite (cheap) footwear find.
Lo and behold, several months later, I have been wearing these shoes several times a week and already wearing out the soles. While I have already written about how much I love me some ballet flats, this has been a great change. Mixed with a dress, the combo of masculine and feminine makes for a really fun outfit, and I can wear them to work where I'm lugging around very heavy art up and down stairs. They also saw some action this weekend when I was working thirteen hour days with my debate team at our state tournament. Unfortunately, the soles have started to come off (an unfortunate side effect of underpriced footwear), so I might consider investing in a slightly more expensive pair, or even just have these resoled!

1 comment:

  1. Molly I LOVE these shoes! Also, strangely enough I am writing a post about shoes right now... weird how well our blogs coordinate with each other.
