Tuesday, May 22, 2012

diy: popping over with love card.

So I made this card for my boyfriend awhile ago (ahem...Valentine's day), but thought it was too adorable not to share. It was simple enough to make - just running to the craft shop for the right colors of paper and  cutting them so that I could glue them together to get the popcorn shape. I do have some tips that I have learned after making many cards that make your life a lot easier, for any of you that want to make cards.

1. Make a practice card on printer paper if you're making a card for the first time - it will let you practice and give you something to trace with. 

2. Pencil is your friend! It helps you avoid spelling errors and let's you decide what "font" to use, so to speak. 

3. Buy multiples of the same shade/pattern of paper. That way if you screw up, you have backup, and if not, you just have an excuse to make more cards.

Happy card-making!

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