Friday, January 13, 2012

the pantyhose conundrum.

I really, really like my jobs. Working in an art collection is really great, and I love getting to learn so much while managing an entire collection by myself. I also adore teaching debate. I never really fancied myself the teacher type, but helping out with the debate team at my high school is oftentimes the highlight of my Tuesdays and Thursdays (and many a weekend in far-off locales like Dallas and Minneapolis). Unfortunately, as much as I love this part of graduating college and getting a real person job, I cannot get into pantyhose, which are often de rigueur in chilly winter months.

I wish I could make pantyhose look this cute...

I've got a solution for winter. I just wear lots of cute stockings from Anthropologie and Wolford with summer dresses and sweaters and call it a day. My big problem comes in the warmer days, a couple of which we have been having lately. Of course I just want to wear dresses and more dresses because it honestly feels like spring. Well, sundresses sans legwear are not exactly appropriate for high school teachers and grad students in a semi-professional position. And wearing hose in spring is just not cool. I would rather be skipping around in a field or walking on a beach, or even just walking to class, and none of these activities should involve hose. So, please let me know if you have any solutions to make dresses work-appropriate, and in the meantime, I will be rocking many a maxi dress.

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