Sunday, January 29, 2012

ten things that make me laugh.

This past week was just one of those weeks where a lot of little things went wrong, and by the end of the week I needed a glass of wine and a good laugh. On that note, I thought I would share ten things that always make me laugh...

10.  Watching Golden Girls never fails to perk me up. Rose's naïveté and Blanche's sluttiness always elicit a laugh from me, my mother, and my best friend Erin, for that matter. I think being able to share this show is one of the reasons I like it so much, because I know I can always laugh about it, whomever I'm with, most likely at O'Niell's after a long week.
9. Barney is just awesome, and that is all.
8. I hate to admit that I have said about half of what is in this video, but isn't being able to laugh at yourself a good thing? That being said, I love yoga, and all the stupid things I say that have to do with it.

7. My brother, Kevin. He may be lacking in good judgment sometimes, but he always has something to make me laugh. In this case, he was being a European soccer player with one of my headbands. He also does a hilarious German schoolboy accent.

6. My wonderful boyfriend, also named Kevin (yah I know, Freud would think this is weird). He always knows what to say and do to make me smile, which may be one of the reasons I love him so much. He will also pose for funny pictures, like next to a donkey sculpture in Santa Fe, which makes me really happy. 

5. Pictures from high school with my best friends. Even though we all live in different parts of the country now, we can always act stupid together and be idiots in public. With whom else could you pretend to be fish in Starbucks? 

4. Funny and true. Both Kevins know this all too well.
3. This is great for two reasons. First, I love the design of this (I think you can buy it on Etsy...tell me if you know!). And two, I know how true this phrase is because it makes me think of all the silly things sugar lips and I do together.

2. Love me some Old Spice man. 

1. My puppies! Coco, on the top, and Rosie, are just too adorable. Whenever I'm feeling down, they do something stupid, silly, or cute, and the peals of laughter just start rolling out.

Now that I've shared, what makes you laugh? And, oh yes, happy weekend!

Friday, January 27, 2012

fridays in the office.

So Fridays are pretty lonely in my office. I do have two men to keep me company though.

Walker on the left and Pancho on the right.
Clearly, I had to name them so that I wasn't just talking to nameless cardboard figures. I can give them a little humanity after all. They must get lonely spending so many long hours in Zimmerman library by themselves. Anyway, back to normality...

Fridays, over this past semester, have slowly morphed into lazy days. Pretty much because after Friday morning yoga I have no energy to put on real clothes, although I can usually manage a little blush and mascara. Also, after Thursday nights at O'Niell's, I'm not sure I could fit into actual pants on account of all the queso consumed. Ideally, Fridays consist of yoga, a little work, a little reading for school, and a lot of napping. The napping part I can do without a problem, the other ones I need to work on, like, ahem, the working one. Back to Pancho and Walker...

Thursday, January 26, 2012

foucault can go...

One of the pleasures of grad school is reading authors who for the most part were deemed irrelevant at the end of the last century by most of ordinary society. But am I really in normal society? No. Exhibit A: Foucault. While this French philosopher by all means has some influential and insightful ideas, reading him is literally like trying to read Russian. Which I do not speak. Or read. But through these really difficult authors which I have had to read for a few years now, including senior year of college, I have come to appreciate theoretical literary and artistic criticism much more than I ever thought I would. I still don't have too much of a fondness for Foucault, but I do quite enjoy Marx and Engels (especially the fact that they both had a passion for good wine), as well as some more modern postcolonial theory. While challenging, I have actually picked up quite a bit from many of the authors, and I am the better for it. So here's a challenge to you: read something that makes you think. No, it does not have to be all of Capital by Marx, but something that is much shorter can make you think just as much as a one-thousand page book. May I suggest something by Althusser or Horkheimer to get started? Do it, you will feel smarter and I know that some people are as crazy as me. I'm still not into Foucault though. He can go off and do some things that are too scandalous to put into writing. At least here anyway...

Friday, January 13, 2012

the pantyhose conundrum.

I really, really like my jobs. Working in an art collection is really great, and I love getting to learn so much while managing an entire collection by myself. I also adore teaching debate. I never really fancied myself the teacher type, but helping out with the debate team at my high school is oftentimes the highlight of my Tuesdays and Thursdays (and many a weekend in far-off locales like Dallas and Minneapolis). Unfortunately, as much as I love this part of graduating college and getting a real person job, I cannot get into pantyhose, which are often de rigueur in chilly winter months.

I wish I could make pantyhose look this cute...

I've got a solution for winter. I just wear lots of cute stockings from Anthropologie and Wolford with summer dresses and sweaters and call it a day. My big problem comes in the warmer days, a couple of which we have been having lately. Of course I just want to wear dresses and more dresses because it honestly feels like spring. Well, sundresses sans legwear are not exactly appropriate for high school teachers and grad students in a semi-professional position. And wearing hose in spring is just not cool. I would rather be skipping around in a field or walking on a beach, or even just walking to class, and none of these activities should involve hose. So, please let me know if you have any solutions to make dresses work-appropriate, and in the meantime, I will be rocking many a maxi dress.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I love finding things that you forgot about and then enjoying them again. This may just mean I have a bad memory, but when I find these forgotten things, I get really happy. Today it was my love of Argentine culture. Argentinos speak with a very distinct accent, and while I was listening to this song at work, I felt like I found a memory that made me really happy as I listened to the lyrics. Yes, the song is in Twilight, but the singer is an incredible Argentine actress who I first found out about during my junior year there. It didn't take me back to Argentina, per se, but rather to my love of literature and music from there. At work I also stumbled across a book by one of my favorite Argentine authors, Julio Cortázar, and I figured fate had to be at work somehow. So when I got home I dug my way out of Mexican paintings and back into some guacho stories and malbec. Well, mainly the malbec, but it still counts as apreciación argentina.
Well, I know this is me musing on wine and literature, but I really enjoy stumbling on these things once lost, and now found. Stay tuned! I tried out a DIY project and will be posting a how-to soon! Besos, che. 

Saturday, January 7, 2012

time to wear sunscreen again.

Two days ago, I decided I would try and do a track workout for the first time in, I dunno, eight months? I have to admit, it was pretty scary after several emergency medical procedures, stomach problems, and diet changes over the last few months. But it was beautiful out, and I went running in shorts, a t-shirt, and my favorite: sunscreen. I actually do really love sunscreen and I wear it obsessively, but that's another blog post. I drove to the high school where I work as a debate coach to see how this would play out. Well, there were quite a few rather intense groups out there - like a Japanese professional running team and some Russians (I think, I'm not actually sure what language they were speaking). So while I looked super cool doing 400s really slowly, everyone else seemed to be doing multiple mile repeats at an incredibly fast pace. I felt really good, but this conversation I had with a very elite runner on the track is pretty funny and shows just how out of place I was:

Him: What are you training for?
Me: Um, maybe a 5k in the spring? What about you?
Him: The 800 meter Olympic trials.
Me: Oh well, that's cool.
Him: Gotta start now. Your stride looked really strong though.
Me: Oh my gosh! Thank you! That's so nice of you!

Maybe I was a little too gracious with the thank yous, but it felt so good that someone noticed and said that I wasn't failing next to the Russian and Japanese runners. Well after an ashtanga class the day before,  my muscles are still paying for it. However, I'm really happy to be back to running, and I'm excited about my next workout (hopefully) in the sun!

Friday, January 6, 2012

getaways: los poblanos historic inn and organic farm.

So I meant to write about this several weeks ago seeing as I visited this inn in November, but I figured it was still worth posting about, especially for those of you in Albuquerque and nearby. Los Poblanos Historic Inn and Organic Farm is located in the North Valley of Albuquerque, amongst many beautiful farms, homes, and even a winery! Since my boyfriend was up, we decided we should take a little romantic escape, ya know, away from my house and my parents. Even though it was a short drive, it felt like we were in a different city because of the John Gaw Meem pueblo revival architecture, and the charming rooms and restaurant. I wish I had taken a picture of our room, but alas, I didn't, but it was complete with wood-burning fireplace and earplugs to block out the cawing of the peacocks. Yes, peacocks! Absolutely beautiful and wondering around the large property. In addition to suites and cottages, Los Poblanos also has a locally-renowned restaurant which serves breakfast with the overnight stays, but also serves dinner to anyone who cares to stop by. While we unfortunately missed dinner, we had a wonderful breakfast. The quinoa stuffed rellenos were different but incredible, and my boyfriend said he liked the waffles quite a bit. This is a wonderful getaway for anyone in Albuquerque, and anyone who wants to travel here, which you should (hint, hint). Even if you don't want to stay for a night, just go for the food. You may never want to leave. 

The entrance to Los Poblanos. 

My boyfriend was too big for the door...

A peacock! Photo by Kevin Regan. 

Breakfast of quinoa stuffed rellenos and fried eggs over hard. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

new year's non-resolutions.

New Year's resolutions have never really worked too well for me. I always made really wishy-washy ones like, "Focus on me," and, "Be happy." Well, what was required for these goals? One day, I might feel like skipping class to go, I don't know, shopping. Well, this would not make me happy when I failed the test because I miss the essay question that was covered in class the day I skipped. Not a very effective resolution for long-term happiness. Instant gratification does not equal long term joy. Just a lot of problems which cause much stress to solve. So awhile back, I started doing something different. In September I wrote down six goals which I would like to try and achieve. They reflect different things like fitness, money, and of course, happiness. Instead of making vague steps towards "being happy" or "being fit" I know what I am actually working towards and what I need to do to get there.

One of my goals is to hold a headstand for the entire pose in my ashtanga yoga class. This consists of holding a headstand for approximately two minutes, though it feels like an eternity. How do I do this? I practice doing it, holding it, going to yoga and doing it with everyone else. And to remind myself  to do this, I wrote down my goals on an index card and placed it in my planner as a bookmark so I can see it everyday, and keep practicing until I achieve it. Now, I just have to remember to try and do this with all my goals. It seems to be working so far, and hopefully keeps doing so in the future. I will let you know how the goals turn out, baby steps and all.

What are your ways of achieving your New Year's resolutions, or do you prefer the more ambiguous goals with many different ways to get to them?

running for heartbreak.

So, I'm not supposed to be running, but, I broke down and I ran. Bad Molly. And oh, I paid for it. But I desperately needed to try out the new spandex my boyfriend got me for Christmas. What else can I do though? Running has slowly become my anecdote for everything - stress, anxiety, happiness, sadness, overeating. The runs in Manchester have also been a really welcome change from the dry air that permeates every waking minute in Albuquerque. I guess I will take the pain with the pleasure, since I have to go home tomorrow and say goodbye to my boyfriend again. What other relief is there for heartbreak at leaving someone you love, even for a short time?